Do you have a loved one living with schizophrenia?
We are a family support group offering relatives and carers of people living with schizophrenia an empathetic space for mutual support and learning
Strength through sharing
By coming together to improve our knowledge and understanding of schizophrenia, and by sharing our stories, problems and successes, we gain the confidence, skills and strength to support our loved ones to lead meaningful and fulfilled lives.
We believe that the more we learn about schizophrenia and mental illness, and the more we realise we are not alone, the more comfortable we will be to speak out in our daily lives – raising public awareness, reducing stigma and advocating for the rights of those with mental illness.
What we do
We provide family-centred information about schizophrenia and mental illness through
- Our newsletter
- Our monthly meetings
- Our web pages with schizophrenia FAQs and useful resources
- Our publication, Coping Skills for Carers
- Our email service
Get involved
What members say
I would like to thank you for your support. Last night’s meeting was
something beyond. It really opens my mind to see how many people
are going through the same thing as me.
It was a comfort just being in the same space as others, knowing that we shared a common experience, even if we weren’t saying anything out loud. I could accept my own family situation better and see it in perspective.
I gained so much knowledge through the support group. The library,
the great speakers and support from other parents helped me survive
through my darkest days when I felt so sad, hopeless, helpless, and
alone. I am stronger and a better parent to my children today because
of the support group. I am forever grateful.
Do you have a crisis?
National 24-hour emergency helplines
For a suicidal emergency
SADAG suicide line 0800 567 567
Akeso Netcare psychiatric response unit 0861 435 787
For police assistance
SAPS 10111
For a psychiatric emergency
SADAG mental health crisis line 0800 456 789
Akeso Netcare psychiatric response unit 0861 435 787
For emergency services
Ambulance 10177
From a cellphone 112
Netcare 911 082 911
ER24 084 124