Schizophrenia and psychosis websites

CURESZ Foundation USA
Comprehensive Understanding via Research and Education into SchiZophrenia
The CURESZ Foundation offers advocacy, information, advice, as well as educational and supportive resources to enhance the understanding of schizophrenia as a treatable neuropsychiatric illness. A well-organised and very informative website, focusing on helping people with schizophrenia recover.

Living with Schizophrenia UK
Living with schizophrenia provides a platform for those living with schizophrenia in the wider sense: sufferers, carers and relatives. Wide-ranging content written by people with lived experience. Useful information sheets on multiple topics. USA is a web community dedicated to providing high quality information, support and education to family members, caregivers and individuals whose lives have been impacted by schizophrenia and in speeding the research progress towards a cure. Very busy website, and a bit chaotic, but lots of information.

Schizophrenia & Psychosis Action Alliance – S&PAA USA
S&PAA’s vision is to see schizophrenia and psychosis spectrum disorders universally recognised and treated as neurobiological brain illnesses. Awareness raising and activist organisation. Interesting content.

Schizophrenia Society of Canada – SSC
SSC’s aim is to build a country where people living with early psychosis and schizophrenia achieve their potential. Focuses on advocacy and education. Informative site. Conveys a positive and supportive outlook. Good for families. Excellent publication Rays of Hope, a reference manual for families and caregivers.

Team Daniel: Running for Recovery from Mental Illness USA
Team Daniel advocates for the controlled and supported early use of clozapine to treat people with psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia.
High level of involvement from founding physicians Drs Robert and Ann Mandel Laitman. International online participation is possible.
Visit Past meetings section of this website for recording and presentation of talk on clozapine and Team Daniel given at FSS October 2023 meeting.
SMI and anosognosia websites
SMI and anosognosia
SMI (Serious or Severe Mental Illness) refers to a subset of mental illnesses that can cause serious functional impairment and limit major life activities. SMI can include schizophrenia spectrum disorders, severe bipolar disorder, and major depression with psychotic features.
A common symptom of SMI is anosognosia, which is when someone is unable to understand that they are ill or why they need treatment.
The development of a trusting relationship using appropriate communication skills is a key success factor in persuading a person with anosognosia to accept treatment.
Visit Past meetings section of this website for recording and presentation of talk on anosognosia and recovery given at FSS March 2024 meeting.

Leap Institute USA
The mission of LEAP Institute is to disseminate the LEAP – Listen Empathise Agree Partner -approach, a communication program originally designed to help build relationships with people who are unable to understand they are ill, with the goal of helping them accept treatment.
Though developed by Dr Xavier Amador as a way of reaching people suffering from anosognosia, the LEAP program can be used to strengthen all kinds of relationships.
See the Useful publications topic on the Resources page for more about Dr Amador’s book “I AM NOT SICK – I don’t need help!”

Pathways Serious Mental Illness Society Canada
Pathways SMIS – Families Helping Families – aims to be a centre of support, education, awareness and advocacy for families and others affected by serious mental illness. Informative family-oriented website, good resource library, many online resources orientated to families.

Treatment Advocacy Center – TAC USA
TAC’s mission is to eliminate the barriers to timely and effective treatment of severe mental illness (SMI) through advocacy, public education, and support for individuals and families affected by SMI.
Very useful website. Comprehensive sections on Understanding SMI and Resources & Research.
Mental health websites with sections on schizophrenia

Mental Health Information Centre – MHIC
The MHIC is part of the MRC Risk and Resilience in Mental Disorders Research Unit, whose researchers at Stellenbosch, Cape Town and North-West Universities focus mainly on anxiety and stress disorders. The MHIC has the broader aim of mental health education and awareness raising for mental health professionals and the public. The section on schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders is useful, although some of the entries are rather old.

Mind UK
Mind UK provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, and campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Excellent site. Very user friendly. Good sections on schizophrenia and antipsychotic medication.

The NHS is the UK’s publicly funded health service. Its website is a comprehensive and authoritative source of user-friendly information and advice. Excellent overview of schizophrenia, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment, and practical tips on living with schizophrenia.

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness was founded in 1979 as a small support group and has grown into the largest grassroots mental health organisation in the USA, with more than 600 branches. It was the inspiration for the formation of Cape Support for Mental Health in 1981. Excellent site. Good sections on family support and schizophrenia. Straightforward language and advice.

World Health Organisation – WHO
Mental health section
WHO works with member states and partners to improve the mental health of individuals and society at large. This includes the promotion of mental well-being, the prevention of mental disorders, and efforts to increase access to quality mental health care that respects people’s human rights. Comprehensive site. Authoritative information.
Some other leading mental health websites

HelpGuide USA

verywell mind USA